I deeply understand the struggles of professional women, because I’ve lived it. I worked in the corporate world for 15 years whilst raising two children. I’d rush from nursery dropoffs to the office to after school pick ups. In 2009, I started my own company, working night and day to build it up. By most people’s measures I was a success.
I started to forget things on my to-do list. I began to experience physical symptoms including tingling in my legs and arms. That led to me having an MRI scan.
Deep down, you know that something feels off. You’re working hard, but it never seems to get any easier. You’re snapping at the people you love. You can’t seem to get a good night’s sleep. You’re either thinking of the next thing on your to-do list or running to go and do it. It’s time to stop merely surviving, and really start thriving.
How It Works
Together we’ll create a clear vision of what you want your life to be. We will explore who you want to be and how you want to be perceived. We’ll determine your personal motivation so that you can be the leader of your life with confidence. You’ll become a leader who exudes strength, confidence and grace. The leader you were meant to be.
The twelve sessions will be broken into three phases: Deep Dive + Orient, Empower + Educate, and Build + Thrive.